Friday, September 4, 2009

take-out love

I remember writing this way way back high school.. wow!!! time has really passed!

Love don’t come in packages
It is not delivered in houses
Nor is it brought by air mail
Love don’t some in packages
So why are you giving it to me?
It isn’t fair
To give me a take-out love
I’ve got a take-out love
Its been given to me
Why, oh why, do I have a take out love?
Hands jammed in my pockets
Walking under the sun
Along with other guys
I didn’t know you are capable of being jealous
But why are you
Still giving me
A take-out love


  1. i like this one.... =)

  2. I love the concept behind this, 'take out love' not coming in packages...wonderful thought process

  3. thank you!!! it flatters that you read my posts... thanks a bunch!
