i am affable i easily strike up a conversation with anybody I meet no matter what their status in life is.a friend whom you can trust to tell you what i think your problem is and someone who will not tolerate you on doing something wrong.i am frank, I tell you things that you dont wanna hear. i make impulsive actions which sometimes i dont know what the outcome will be. the HEART???? i dont believe in it, it just PUMPS blood, no power to take over your entire system i is still the mind who controls your emotions(try reading science books). i BELIEVE IN THE MYSTERY OF LOVE which is something that will cut deep, something which can bring you happiness and sorrow at the same time, can make you confused and unreasonable altogether. i'm someone who doesnt care what other people will say, I am me, no one can tell me what i should say, how i should act or behave, accept me for who I am because i wont be brought down by criticisms. tactless one thing for sure i am, love to give out side comments since that is my freedom, i dont give a shit if people would get angry by what i say, its the truth anyway. has a contemplative bent over friendship. very critical when it comes to music and books and colors. i hate gaudy, loud and monotonous things. have a very unostentatious, discreet choice of friends. i dont like people who depend on other people especially for hand-outs, people who are loud and showy. i am childish. i dont have a night life, id rather stay at home coz ive been so busy the whole day. i hate snoops. im strong-willed I always get what i want and i wont stop until i get it. i have an irreverent manner. at times i like to pulverize someone's ego especially if it sinks into my system and it irritates me. i cry over heart-warming-feel-good movies (have you watched the notebook). i have an unyielding passion for honesty coz i dont lie, i probably don't tell the whole truth only half the truth but still it is not a lie....
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